[imp] Can Horde sessions use a different database than horde_prefs?

Didi Rieder adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
Mon Feb 24 22:07:29 PST 2003

Quoting Jeff Tucker <jeff at jltnet.com>:

> In my system, I replicate the MySQL database from a master to multiple
> read-only secondaries. This means that I can send read-only queries to the
> secondaries 

How are you doing this? I mean sending read-only queries to the secondaries?

> Ideally, I'd prefer not to replicate the session information at all, while
> replicating the rest of the Horde stuff (user preferences, Turba names,
> basically all the tables except horde_sessionhandler). Unfortunately, MySQL
> forces you to do binary logging at the database level and won't let you
> turn off logging (and therefore replication) of a single table. (I'm aware
> that I can tell the clients not to replicate this table which solves the
> bandwidth problem but not the larger binary logs problem.)
> So, the question is is there an easy way to get Horde to store session info
> in a separate database which I could set up with just the single
> horde_sessionhandler table? If not, does anyone have any ideas besides just
> implementing my own custom session handler, getting that running in Horde's
> config, and putting that in its own database?

We do the following every hour:

dump the database into a file

let the slave catch up

PURGE MASTER LOGS (except the 3 newest)


Didi Rieder
adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
PGPKey ID: 3431D0B0

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