[imp] Can Horde sessions use a different database than horde_prefs?

Jeff Tucker jeff at jltnet.com
Mon Feb 24 17:46:30 PST 2003

--On Monday, February 24, 2003 10:07 PM +0100 Didi Rieder 
<adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at> wrote:

> Quoting Jeff Tucker <jeff at jltnet.com>:
>> In my system, I replicate the MySQL database from a master to multiple
>> read-only secondaries. This means that I can send read-only queries to
>> the secondaries
> How are you doing this? I mean sending read-only queries to the
> secondaries?

Not Horde queries. Those all have to go to the master. But my IMAP servers 
use SQL for authentication, for instance, and I send those queries to 
> We do the following every hour:
> Master:
> dump the database into a file
> Slave:
> let the slave catch up
> Master:
> flush-logs
> PURGE MASTER LOGS (except the 3 newest)
> Didi

Sure, and that's an option. Ideally, though, I'd like to backup manually or 
automatically occasionally when I know I have a consistent database and 
save all of those backups. For full emergency restoration, I need the 
latest backup and all of the binary logs since then. I can't save all of my 
binary logs now without doing daily snapshots of the data. With your 
scheme, I'd either end up with 24 copies of my db on my disks every 24 
hours or I'd have to implement a rotation scheme since you can't let your 
backup overwrite your last backup.

Before I started doing sessions in the db, I could just backup the db to a 
tarfile every couple weeks and restart the binary logs. Even replaying a 
week's worth of db transactions would be ok if it weren't for the session 
stuff. If I could move the Horde sessions to their own database and not 
just their own table, I'd be happier.


Jeff Tucker
jeff at jltnet.com

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