[imp] Re: virtual users setup

Steven Premeau premeau at uwp.edu
Mon Mar 3 17:52:34 PST 2003

> I have written my own _horde_hook_username and _imp_hook_vinfo which others
> might be interested in.  They're fairly rudamentary.

Your scripts answer a lot of questions, but they still leave one.

For various reasons, I don't want to do "virtual hosting" for the other 
departmental email systems.

I want all web mail users to go to the same server, rangermail.uwp.edu and 
then have their user name determine which IMAP server to poll for messages.

I have all of the information in the servers.php file, I'm looking for how to 
'direct' IMP to a specific entry based on the host name portion of the email 


Steven Premeau, Network Manager      premeau at uwp.edu           (262) 595-2005
Computer and Network Services              University of Wisconsin - Parkside
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