[imp] testing new horde/imp, logout on test install brings meto current install

Colin Devine devinec at sas.upenn.edu
Mon Mar 10 14:45:48 PST 2003

Craig White wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 07:52, Colin Devine wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am having an odd problem with the testing of the new version of
> > horde/imp on our server.  I currently am running Horde 2.1/Imp 3.1 on
> > apache 1.3.26 and have recently installed apache 1.3.27 on a different
> > port to test Horde 2.2.1/Imp 3.2.  The new installation works except
> > that when you logout from Imp you somehow get the login screen of the
> > old Imp which is running on a different apache server on a different
> > port.  The same thing happens if you type in the wrong password.  The
> > port in the url is the testing port but the screen is from the old
> > install.  This has obviously confused me and so any advice would be
> > greatly appreciated.
> >
> ------
> sounds to me like you need to clear the cache of your browser on
> whichever machine you are experiencing this with.
> Craig

A good suggestion, but it turns out I had my aliases misconfigured.  At
least it is now solved.  Thanks anyway.

--Colin Devine

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