[imp] Can't attach file size more than 500KB

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Sat Mar 15 12:30:39 PST 2003

Quoting Bundit Chucheep <obuch at mail.utcc.ac.th>:

> I've setup Horde 2.2.1/Imp 3.2 on Redhat 8.0.
> Every thing is working but when I compose mail and try to
> attach file that have size more than 500KB.
> I'll get an error page:

Change the LimitRequestBody in /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf to a larger
value (default is 512K).  Something like:

<Files *.php>
    SetOutputFilter PHP
    SetInputFilter PHP
    LimitRequestBody 536870912

It's a RH 8.0 thing...

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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