[imp] How often do VACUUM on Horde DB tables?

PatriciaCastañeda pcastane at escuelaing.edu.co
Mon Mar 17 09:36:18 PST 2003

I have:
RedHat 8.0
Apache 2.0.40-8
PHP 4.2.2-8
Imp 3.1.1
Horde 2.0
Pear 4.1.0
Postgres 7.2.2-1 (included in RPMS's RedHat 8.0)

I want to know how often I need to do VACUUM on Horde tables?, and
what`s the name of the tables?, because a do an ls on
/var/lib/pgsql/data/ and only view directories anf files with numeric

Patricia C.

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