[imp] Patch for performing action on current message

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Fri Mar 21 02:03:38 PST 2003

Quoting Oliver Kuhl <okuhl at netcologne.de>:

> > I like it, but I don't think you really needed to split the copy/move
> > the way you did.  I'm worried, if anything, that doing so is a performance
> > hit (if not in generating the lists, then simply in the transfer size
> > increase of the resulting html code).
> What do you suggest would be a better solution than splitting the copy/move?

Leaving it as before I suppose.

> Maybe it would be an idea to place the copy/move textlinks and the according
> list straight to the left and the other two lists to the right of it. But the
> we
> have many textlinks on the left side above each other (move, copy, delete,
> etc.)

Yes, what you did may be the best layout.  I was just wondering about

> > But I do like it ;)
> Fine. I think I will work on a patch then. Maybe I'll find the time today...

Will look forward to your changes.

> Gruss,
>    Ollie.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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