[imp] Re: Help with SMIME

Roger Håkansson hson at ludd.luth.se
Fri Apr 18 22:02:02 PDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sebastian Calero Laguia" <scalero at datadec.es>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.horde.imp
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 13:20
Subject: Help with SMIME

> I am testing Horde, IMP and Turba 02/01/2003 Nightly Snapshot, concretely
> the SMIME stuff and I have this initial problems:
> - I have a Verisign Certificate in my Outlook Exress and I would like to
> export it to IMP. I have a PKCS7 file(.p7b) with the Public Key(the result
> of the Verisign Certificate export in Outlook), I am working with https
> I go to "Preferences ---> SMIME ---> Import Keypair" and when I select the
> file nothing happens. Do I go in the correct way?
> - When I send a signed mail to my IMP account, IMP detects it but when I
> going to import the Public Key to Turba appears this in my Apache
>            /u01/hosting/mymensajes/horde/imp/lib/SMIME.php(191) : Notice -
> Undefined index:  Email

(Yes I know that this is a reply to an old++ post, but since its still a

The problem is not (as suggested in some later post) related to your
configuration of turba, but the certificate you try to import.
I ran into the same problem and when I checked it out I found that all my
certificates(both Verisign and Thawte) doesn't have the key 'Email' under
'subject', its called 'emailAddress'.
I'm not sure if the certificates are like that by default or if its because
the people who sent the mail are using Outlook/Outlook Express

I've made a patch(which takes care of both cases) for it which you can find

Roger Håkansson

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