[imp] IMP 3.2.1 very slow

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Thu Apr 24 19:10:21 PDT 2003

Quoting lst_hoe at kwsoft.de:

| At what stage encryption is used?
| We have a pure HTTPS Webserver for IMP/horde and an unecrypted (notls)
| connection to localhost IMAP-Server. Therefor i should not see that much
| change in speed or is this the wrong track?

Your password is stored in encrypted form in the session.  Every page load
the password must be checked, and this is the 'encryption' referred to.  It
is handled by the Horde_Cipher:: library.  HTTPS encryption is webpage
encryption and is a completely different item.

| > But, if you are running your own server, and before you start
| complaining
| > that "so and so a webclient program is 'better' or 'faster'" (what does
| > 'better' or 'faster' mean in the first place?) compile PHP with mcrypt
| and
| > see how the performance is.
| Don´t beat me for statements others have done. I only stated that Horde
| 2.1 /
| IMP 3.1 is much faster on my system then Horde 2.2.3 / IMP 3.2.1 and
| asked if i
| can do something about.

I apologize - this statement was not meant for you.  It was for the others
who said, essentially, "I downloaded Horde and IMP and tried it out for 3
minutes and it seemed slow so the software must suck so I'm going back to
my old software". (which, btw, can't be great in and of itself or else why
would you think about switching in the first place).  My whole point was
that these expectations are unrealistic - especially for an admittedly
complex software that Horde and its modules are.  Once again I apologize I
didn't make the target entirely clear.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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