[imp] imp_expand_from_address and pref_uid

adam adam at looney.com
Fri Apr 25 15:47:53 PDT 2003

Hi guys,
I'm a bit stumped.
I've used the expand_from address to get our actual email addresses
which are in the format first.last at mail.
However, when I try to use turba, or even horde_prefs, horde trys to use
First Last at mail as the owner_id.  Our login ID's are First Last, so I 
understand where this is coming from.  I was wondering if someone could 
help me to figure out what else I need to change in order to make this 

		///	www.radioactivecat.com     ///
             (That's not yours! Drop it, or I'll shoot!)
NOTE: While signatures are arguably a blemish, they are a well-understood 
convention, and conveying the same information in headers exposes it to
mangling and makes it rather less conspicuous....

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