[imp] Return-Path

Chris J Albertson alb at chrisalbertson.com
Mon Apr 28 16:40:31 PDT 2003

It's defined in horde/config/conf.php
Mine looks like:
// What method should we use for sending mail? Valid options are
// currently 'sendmail' and 'smtp'.
$conf['mailer']['type'] = 'sendmail';

// An array holding any parameters that the Mail object will need to
// function correctly. For sendmail, this is mainly the sendmail_path
// option; SMTP requires at least a server and a port (if nonstandard).
// SMTP authentication can be enabled by setting the 'auth' parameter
// to true.
$conf['mailer']['params'] = array();
$conf['mailer']['params'] = array('sendmail_path' => '/usr/lib/sendmail');
// $conf['mailer']['params'] = array('host' => 'smtp.example.com');

Hope this helps.

Chris Albertson
Owner - ChrisAlbertson.com  (Actually, I rent, with an option to buy)

^         You can find my PGP public key,            ^
^  email server policy, and other misc "stuff" at..  ^
^         http://www.chrisalbertson.com.             ^

Quoting Edward Bynum <ebynum at CLEMSON.EDU>:

 >> Email sent from my server using IMP has the return path set as:
 >> anonymous at IP.ADD.RE.SS ...
 >> Anybody have any idea why, or what I would do to change it?
 >Not sure, but could it be you need to add your web server account to
 >the list of trusted users for your mail software?
 Well, after what seems to me to be extensive testing (it probably isn't
 really), I think I have narrowed the location of the problem down
 If I am not mistaken, then the result of these lines:
     // If sendmail fails or is not executable, try the native mail()
     if ($result == 0) {
 is that when $result is equivalent to zero, then php's mail() function
 gets used instead of using sendmail.  I am certain that $result is set
 to 0, for whatever that is worth.  The lack of envelopes keeps
 Return-Path from being set using php's mail() function (there might be
 some way to do this?), so I get anonymous at IP.ADD.RE.SS instead of the
 From: address in that field.  If this is the case, my problem is almost
 solved (I think).  If I run the sendmail command (located at
 /usr/sbin/sendmail) (which is a symlink to qmail's fake version of
 sendmail that formats a sendmail command to qmail's proper formatting)
 with the syntax given in horde.lib, the email goes through just fine
 (with the -fbox at host.domain.com option).  Thus, the only problem appears
 to be that the path_to_sendmail isn't working properly ... where does
 this value come from?
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