[imp] Segfaults with IMP

Stacy J. Dunkle sdunkle at pennswoods.net
Fri May 9 14:18:49 PDT 2003

Hey all,

 We've been running Horde and IMP at our location for over a year now. 
Recently, I was given control over the server that it runs on, and discovered 
a problem, in that at least once a week, sometimes more often, sometimes less 
often, apache would build up a lot of segfaults, eventually slowing the server 
down to where apache had to be stopped and restarted, making it all good until 
the next time it happened.

 The machine was running RedHat 7.3, and Apache 1.3.26. So, I started 
upgrading things in hopes of fixing the problem. I first upgraded PHP, Horde, 
and IMP, to 4.3.1, 2.2.1, and 3.2.1, respectively. Still got the segfaults. I 
also upgraded a classified ad perl script, and also a message board script, in 
case they were the culprits. Still got the segfaults. Finally, I upgraded to 
Apache 1.3.27. Still got the segfaults, but this time it would sometimes be 

 Then it came time to move everything to a new server. The new server is 
running RedHat 7.3 as well. Everything else is the same also, with the 
exception of what version of IMAP I compiled PHP with; On the old one, it was 
2002b, on the new one, it's 2002c1. Anyway, as soon as I set the server live, 
the error logs showed continuous segfaults. So, I shifted the links for IMP 
back to the old server, leaving only the message boards and classifieds perl 
scripts accessible to the public on the new server. The segfaults stopped.

 Being now that I am the only one that can access IMP on the new server, I 
logged in and poked around while watching the error logs, and sure enough, it 
was continuos segfaults, right after I clicked on a message, until I logged 
out of IMP.

 So, the combo of Horde/IMP/PHP/Apache is definitely my culprit here. Anyone 
have any advice or suggestions on what I can do to solve this?

(and before anyone decides to flame me, yes, I do realize that nothing in 
Horde or IMP causes segfaults by itself. ;-) )

If it's any help, here's what I configured PHP with on the newer machine:

./configure' '--with-imap=/home/sdunkle/software/imap-2002b' '--with-
apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--with-pgsql=/usr' '--with-gettext' '--with-
xml' '--with-dom' '--with-mcrypt' '--with-zlib-dir=/home/sdunkle/software/zlib-
1.1.4' '--with-config-file-path=/etc/' 

And here are the modules activated in Apache:

mod_php4, mod_perl, mod_setenvif, mod_so, mod_unique_id, mod_usertrack, 
mod_expires, mod_proxy, mod_auth, mod_access, mod_rewrite, mod_alias, 
mod_userdir, mod_speling, mod_actions, mod_imap, mod_asis, mod_cgi, mod_dir, 
mod_autoindex, mod_include, mod_info, mod_status, mod_negotiation, mod_mime, 
mod_log_referer, mod_log_agent, mod_log_config, mod_env, http_core 

(for the record, I at first tried Apache 2.0.45 on the new server, but it 
didn't seem to want to work well with PHP, giving all sorts of odd behaviour 
with IMP)

All help will be greatly appreciated!


Stacy J. Dunkle
Network Engineer,
1-877-716-2002 ext.529

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