[imp] Re: Segfaults with IMP

Anders Persson ap at apik.net
Mon May 12 14:50:36 PDT 2003

> Did you check /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf and set LimitRequestBody to
> something more reasonable than the default 512K? 

I don't have a php.conf; is that something one could add to the httpd.conf? 
I think I might have solved the large attachment problem though. I am using 
horde vfs with mysql for attachments, and there's a mysql parameter (in 
/etc/my.cnf) called max_allowed_packet. The default value for that parameter 
was 1M. I upped it to 50M and I can now send large attachments! 

>> When I tried to use imapproxy v1.0, attachments didn't seem to work at all.
> Should work (I run RH 8.0 with imapproxy and no attachment problems). 
Well, after further testing with imapproxy: with large attachments (more 
than about 100K), when I press the "Send Message" button there's a long 
delay. The message gets sent with the attachment, but no copy is placed in 
the "Sent" folder. With small or no attachments, it works normally. Without 
imapproxy, there are no problems even with large attachments. I have courier 
imap (v1.5 I think, part of the courier v0.42.0 package) at the back end.. 

> You could always use an RPM instead of building your own apache/php... 
I suppose.. I tried to use the Redhat Apache rpm that came with Redhat 8.0, 
but some of the mod_perl stuff I'm using didn't work well with the Apache 2 
/ mod_perl 2.0 combination, so I admitted defeat and reverted back to Apache 




Eric Rostetter writes: 

> Quoting Anders Persson <ap at apik.net>: 
>> Besides the segfaults I also had problems with large attachments not working
>> even though I turned every parameter I could find (both in the .php config
>> files and php.ini) that might have something to do with it up really high.
> Did you check /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf and set LimitRequestBody to
> something more reasonable than the default 512K? 
>> When I tried to use imapproxy v1.0, attachments didn't seem to work at all.
> Should work (I run RH 8.0 with imapproxy and no attachment problems). 
>> Oh well, I've run out of time I can spend on this so I'm putting the whole
>> project on ice for the moment. Horde and Imp look really nice though, so
>> I'll look into it again when new versions of Apache Toolbox and horde/imp
>> come out. I'll also be lurking on this list to see if someone finds
>> solutions to these issues.
> You could always use an RPM instead of building your own apache/php... 
> --
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin 
> Why get even? Get odd! 

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