[imp] identity won't save, address book conversion problem

Tenebrae tene_IMP at niceboots.com
Wed May 14 15:49:26 PDT 2003

On Wed, 14 May 2003 eculp at encontacto.net wrote:

> I assume you have configured you prefs backend with something like:
> $conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'sql';
> $conf['prefs']['params'] = array();


> $conf['prefs']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['username'] = 'horde';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['password'] = 'password';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['database'] = 'horde';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['table'] = 'horde_prefs';

This part is slightly different.
I have:

$conf['prefs']['params']['phptype'] = 'pgsql';
$conf['prefs']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
$conf['prefs']['params']['username'] = 'himitsudesu';
$conf['prefs']['params']['password'] = 'notgonnatellyou';
$conf['prefs']['params']['database'] = 'horde';
$conf['prefs']['params']['table'] = 'imp_pref';

> in either horde conf.php o horde.php

This is from:

That final line there is perhaps a problem?
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