[imp] Performance tip on RH 8 / PHP 4.2.2

John Darin Holloway jdholloway at blue.net
Wed May 21 17:43:06 PDT 2003

Word to the wise if you try this, it has the nasty habit of breaking
Netscape 4 on Windows, perhaps other platforms, use with caution.

Darin Holloway
Web Developer and Systems Administrator
Bluegrass Network, LLC
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Murchison" <james at un.net.au>
To: <imp at lists.horde.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 7:31 PM
Subject: [imp] Performance tip on RH 8 / PHP 4.2.2

> Just thought I would share something with the community, since this is
> what it's all about.
> I am using the latest snap shots (21/05/03)
> Horde;IMP;Kronolith...etc + PHP 4.2.2
> I was poking around in the php.ini file searching for a memory problem
> when I stumbled across the following VAR.
> zlib.output_compression = Off
> I thought why not... changed it to On restarted Apache and wow! what a
> difference. at least twice the speed when changing between screens (IMP
> --> Turba). The only hitch is you can't use output buffering. Worked for
> me....
> J.
> -- 
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