[imp] Getting more "no pgpPublicKey" messages than before

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Mon Jun 9 12:06:22 PDT 2003

Quoting Rick Emery <rick at emery.homelinux.net>:

> I'm using CVS HEAD updated this afternoon, with pgp.mit.edu as my pgp key
> server. Until a few weeks ago, I almost never got the "No pgpPublicKey entry
> found" message when viewing an email signed with pgp. When I did get the
> message, a search of the key server revealed no key.
> But lately, I noticed I've been getting a lot more of the "No pgpPublicKey
> entry" messages. Some have no key on the key server, but I've had a few that
> have (for example, a posting to the BugTraq list this morning from
> security at linux-mandrake.com; these always came up valid before, and a search
> at
> pgp.mit.edu revealed a key). I changed my key server to the default
> (search.keyserver.net), but still get a message that no entry was found
> (there
> is one there for security at linux-mandrake.com as well).
> I didn't remember any commits that I though would affect this, and quickly
> scanned the mailing list archives for the cvs list but didn't find anything.
> Any ideas?

I've been trying to troubleshoot this, but I'm afraid it's a little over my
head. So far, this is what I have:

I reverted to version 1.55 of horde/lib/Crypt/pgp.php and the messages verify
correctly again. So I've compared version 1.55 with HEAD, and it looks like a
bunch of options have been added to the call to gpg. The command line went

/usr/bin/gpg --verify /tmp/directory/filename 2>&1


LANG= ; /usr/bin/gpg --no-tty --no-secmem-warning --no-options
--no-default-keyring --quiet --yes --homedir /tmp/directory --verify
/tmp/directory/filename 2>$1

The first line verifies correctly, the second reports that no public key was
found. I'm not familiar with gpg, but I'm guessing it's one of these options
that's messing me up. I will try removing each option one at a time as soon as
I can find the definition of the _gnupg array; it's taken me all day to get
this far :-)

Can anybody help? Thanks in advance,

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