[imp] Problems with Prefs/sql.php

Jorge Izquierdo jizquierdo at sgi.es
Tue Jun 17 07:49:22 PDT 2003

Sorry but I´m not such a good PHP programmer, what do you exactly mean 
with putting a var_dump()? It´s posible that I don´t have a good 
connection, moreover, before this error I got one error in the same file:

DB Error: connect failed
[line 108 of /www3/horde/lib/Prefs/sql.php]

I just commented this lines:

             //if (DB::isError($this->db)) {
             //    Horde::fatal($this->db, __FILE__, __LINE__);

to skip this and it worked with IMP 3.1. Is this wrong in IMP 3.2.1? Any 
ideas of a solutin? Why does not find the setoption() function if I can 
see it in my PHP libraries? Or maybe the object which calls this 
function is not well created?

Thanks again


Chuck Hagenbuch escribió:
> Quoting Jorge Izquierdo <jizquierdo at sgi.es>:
>>Fatal error: Call to undefined function: setoption() in
>>/www3/horde/lib/Prefs/sql.php on line 112
> Put a var_dump() before that call (of the DB object). Probably you don't
> have a  successful connection.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
> The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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