[imp] Custom Color Legend?

Jeremy Oddo horde at apixels.net
Tue Jun 17 10:54:14 PDT 2003

I'm still trying to get my feet wet with the Horde project, but let me say
that I think it's brilliant!  Nice work.

And now for the question... :)

Is there a way to add/modify/edit the color legend?  I'm a squirrelMail
user, and one of the things that I *REALLY* love is the ability to do
"message highlighting".  Message highlighting allows you to color code
messages.  I belong to MANY mail lists (don't we all?!) and the ability to
color code each list is great.  I can log into squirrelMail and see color
coded e-mail.  Once you start using the feature, it's hard to function
without it!

Are there any plans on allow one to modify the current colors of the
legend AND add your own highlighting rules?  I'm not griping, just


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