[imp] Bug in IMP 3...

Tim Meader tmeader at cne-odin.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Jun 25 11:37:33 PDT 2003

Actually, I am not sure if this is so much as a bug as it is something that 
would be very helpful to circumvent.

There appears to be a problem with the way that Eudora (at least all 
version 5's) send MIME attachements.  It seems as though every attachment, 
no matter the extension, is sent through as type 
"application/octet-stream".   Reading the documentation for Eudora, 
supposedly the [Mappings] section of its INI file is supposed to keep track 
of this. However, it never seems to work. Everything is sent as type 
octet-stream.  This of course is a problem in IMP when clicking on the name 
of the attachment hyperlink in the message view.  Instead of opening a new 
window and launching the associated application for that type (as a proper 
MIME type would), octet-stream seems to open a blank window, and that's 
it.  Keep in mind that when you click on the disk icon beside the 
attachment listing, it downloads fine, and the attachment itself works 
perfectly.  Also, I've tested every other email program I could get my 
hands on: OE on Mac OSX and WinXP, Mozilla Mail on both platforms (mozilla 
1.4rc3), Netscape 7.02 Mail on both platforms, and Apple Mail.  These all 
send the MIME type perfectly.  But Eudora on both platforms always send ANY 
attachment octet-stream. Any ideas of how a workaround might be written in 
the IMP code somewhere, so that if the attachment type is 
"application/octet-stream", to try rewriting it to "application/(file 
extension)" in the message display pane?  This is a very homogenous 
environment, 10,000+ users all Eudora... so I'm not concerned if this were 
to break something for other clients really.

Thank you in advance.

Tim Meader
ODIN Unix Group
ACS Government Services, Inc. - (301) 286-8013
Tim.Meader at gsfc.nasa.gov  

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