[imp] empty addressbook in options

Colin Devine devinec at sas.upenn.edu
Wed Jul 2 07:48:58 PDT 2003


I have recently upgraded a horde/imp/turba installation from horde 2.1,
imp 3.1 and turba 1.1 to horde 2.2.3, imp 3.2.1 and turba 1.2. 
Everything is working well except for:

1) There is no add to addressbook icon next to the senders address
2) There is no addressbook option in compose mail
3) Imp->Options->Addressbook is empty

Because Turba is otherwise working correctly I believe the problem to be
the Imp to Turba connection.  I searched the list and found at least one
other person with a similar problem, unfortunately his message went
unanswered ( http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=imp&m=105430305516383&w=2 )

My imp/config/prefs.php is below, thanks in advance for any help.

--Colin Devine

// addressbook selection widget
$_prefs['sourceselect'] = array('type' => 'special');
// addressbook(s) to use when expanding addresses
// You can provide default values this way (note the \t and the double
// 'value' => "source_one\tsource_two"
// refer to turba/config/sources.php for possible source values
$_prefs['search_sources'] = array(
    'value' => "localsql\tUPENN",
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => false,
    'type' => 'implicit'
// field(s) to use when expanding addresses
// This depends on the search_sources preference if you want to provide
default values:
// 'value' =>
// will search the fields 'field_one' and 'field_two' in source_one and
// 'field_three' in source_two.
// refer to turba/config/sources.php for possible source and field
$_prefs['search_fields'] = array(
    'value' => "localsql\tname\temail\nUPENN\tname\temail\talias",
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => false,
    'type' => 'implicit'
// addressbook to use for adding adresseses
// put $cfgSources array element name in the value field.
// Setting value to localsql would allow you to add contacts to MySQL
// See turba/config/sources.php for more info
$_prefs['add_source'] = array(
//    'value' => '',
 'value' => "localsql",
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => false,
    'type' => 'implicit'
// End Addressbook preferences

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