[imp] Zero Sized Reply

Fernando Maior fernando at araujo.com.br
Tue Jul 29 07:30:12 PDT 2003

Dear All,  
I am experiencing problems with IMP/HORDE.  
I am using Squid 2.5STABLE1 + Apache 2.0.44 +  
Php 4.3.2 + Horde 2.2.3 + IMP 3.2.1 on a Conectiva  
Linux 9.  
Always I attach a file or a set of files that  
sum up more then 500KB, when I click on the   
SEND button the browser windown where I am  
composing the message returns the following  
The requested URL could not be retrieved.  
While trying to retrieve the URL:  
The following error was encountered:  
 . Zero Sized Reply  
Squid did not received any data for this request.  
Also, I installed SquirrelMail on the same machine   
and I received no error composing and sending a   
message exactly the same as with Horde/IMP with the  
same attachments. So, it should not be apache, php   
or squid.  
And, yes, I changed the setting "upload_max_filesize"  
to 15M. It did not changed the way Horde/IMP ran. 
Do someone have any clues?  
Fernando Maciel Souto Maior  
fernando at araujo.com.br  
+55+31 3270-5886  

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