[imp] IMP 3.2.1/HORDE 2.2.3 spelling checker issue. HELLLP!

Lord Apollyon implist at paypc.com
Tue Jul 29 17:19:15 PDT 2003

> The spelling checker isn't that great of a problem source (though it is
> an occassional source).  The safe_mode isn't too big a source either
> really.

Yes, I'm sure it's not as mainstream a problem as issuing mail, per se. 
What was the reason for not making use of the PHP functional library for pspell?

> The FAQ already documents that some stuff doesn't work in safe mode.  It
> gives a few examples that were reported.  I'll add spell checking to the
> list.

Fair enough.

By the way, the issue with uploaded attachments and safe_mode deserves some

You need to configure the upload directory as:

(alter "www" to match your web-server process "user" id)

chown www:www /upload-dir-path
chmod 0700 /upload-dir-path

And configure the upload dir to match this in your php.ini file.

On one setup, I also needed to relax the safe_mode to the "match_gid"
option.  And with sendmail, all you need to do is make sure it's in your
safe_mode_bin directory.

The spelling checking is the only thing I was never able to get working with
safe_mode being on.

=Lord Apollyon=

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