[imp] Layout Option

Lord Apollyon implist at paypc.com
Fri Aug 8 03:21:48 PDT 2003

> They wonder if IMP can be configured to display the currently viewed
> message as a sub-frame below the 'INBOX' view. Much as the outlook
> 'preview pane'. I can't see anything in the config files or list
> archives to indicate it can be done... but I may be missing something.
> i.e.
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Menu of options...						  +
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+

(snip - I know exactly what you mean) -- Your users want the cold and clammy
comfort of their Outhouse Depressed email clients.

The good news is that someone's done it - the IMP web page used to have a
link to a guy who wrote a multi-pane patch to do just what your overheated
(36 C in London is disgusting, mate) little heart desires.

I think his email address was <aghaffar (at) developer (dot) ch.>

Jan or Chuck - surely you must have kept track of this.  Given the Outhouse
posturings of the entire Horde project, I'm sure you get bleatings to make
it "just like Papa Billy's software" all the time.


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