[imp] hordeauth with IMP patch

Vijay Mahrra vijay.mahrra at es.easynet.net
Fri Aug 29 01:57:48 PDT 2003

Hello all,

Excuse me if you've already read this message which I originally posted to the
dev list yesterday, but I wasn't subscribed here, and this is probably a
better post to send my message.

I've patched IMP to support a Gollem-style hordeauth capability.

The reason this was written was to enable the user to select one of several
servers but using the same horde login credentials for authentication, saving
the user from entering their username/password again.


1. In servers.php, there is an extra option in the $servers array 'hordeauth'.
 (I patched the servers.php.dist copied blurb from Gollem to reflect this.)

2. If hordeauth is not empty (thank you for explaining and removing my
fixation on array_key_exists chuck!) a new extra servers list is displayed on
the IMP login page for each server which has hordeauth enabled.  If the list
is empty, no extra 'hordeauth' list is displayed.

3. If a server entry has enabled hordeauth, it is displayed in the standard
list of servers (i did this to avoid confusion between the server lists
having the same entries, so to allow a user to use hordeauth and enter
different login credential requires an extra entry in $servers)

4. If the user uses IMP for horde authentication, I make the select list
display all of the entries from $servers regardless of whether of not they
are set to use hordeauth, and also prevent the hordeauth select list from
displayed if no user has been authenticated yet.

I hope this is useful.  I've also attached a screen shot to make it a bit
clear as to what it is I've changed regarding the user interface/login

-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: login-box.png
Type: image/png
Size: 12189 bytes
Desc: how the IMP login page now looks (if hordeauth is
	configured for at least one server)
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/attachments/20030829/5e66fd06/login-box-0001.png
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: servers.php.diff
Type: text/diff
Size: 1972 bytes
Desc: hordeauth option added to existing examples
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/attachments/20030829/5e66fd06/servers.php-0001.bin
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: login.php.diff
Type: text/diff
Size: 919 bytes
Desc: modifications based on gollem
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/attachments/20030829/5e66fd06/login.php-0001.bin
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: login.inc.diff
Type: text/diff
Size: 5280 bytes
Desc: new option list built and code to process it for
	hordeauth, based on gellem
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/attachments/20030829/5e66fd06/login.inc-0001.bin
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: redirect.php.diff
Type: text/diff
Size: 3867 bytes
Desc: authenticates using server info looked up from
	$servers if using hordeauth or everything from postdata if not
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/attachments/20030829/5e66fd06/redirect.php-0001.bin

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