[imp] IE, compose, page not found

Dean Henrichsmeyer dean at beret.net
Thu Sep 4 07:54:10 PDT 2003


I've got a fairly typical apache/mod_ssl/self-signed cert/ etc 
installation. What happens is that occasionally, usually when someone 
clicks 'send' on the compose window, the 'page not found' error occurs 
within IE. I'm sure it's an IE bug rather than an IMP bug but I've not 
been able to find a solution other than turning off SSL (not what I want 
to do).

As I'm sure there are a lot of people using IMP with IE over ssl I 
thought maybe someone would have a solution. I've read through the list 
archives and not found anything.

I of course have the nokeepalive, ssl-unclean-shutdown, etc config for 
apache and MSIE, but it still does it. Too bad IE is such a pile.

I would really appreciate any information.


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