[imp] Attachments get corrupted when sending mail

Robert Sand rsand at d.umn.edu
Thu Sep 11 06:23:52 PDT 2003

Check to see that you are not compressing twice.  I ran into that on our 
server.  php will compress and there is a horde config that tells it to 
compress as well.  I can't remember which config it was but when I 
turned it off we were able to send attachments without a problem.

Lord Apollyon wrote:

>>No. (Although I probably should.)
>For the purposes of debugging this, leave it off.
>>It's /tmp, therefore writeable by anyone.
>Yowch.  I'm out of ideas.

Robert Sand.
mailto:rsand at d.umn.edu
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Information Technology Systems and Services
144 MWAH
218-726-6122        fax 218-726-7674

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