[imp] I get an iexplorer error Logging on in IMP
adrian croitoru
croitorualias at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 25 04:40:47 PDT 2003
Hi everyboy, I hope someone can help me to solve my problem when I try to
log on in the WebMail IMP.
I´m using IMP 3.2.2 and Horde 2.2.3 on RedHat 9.
First of all, i´m just configuring IMP to work in my intranet so I just need
on network device, let´s say
At the beginning, I configured IMP as it says in the Installation guide from
Horde and it worked. Later on, i tried to
configure Apache with SSL encryption, these are the modules installed in my
- mod_ssl-2.0.40-21
- openssl-0.9.7a-5
- httpd-2.0.40-21
I only had to install mod_ssl, the other two were already installed.
I changed the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and /etc/httpf/conf.d/ssl.conf in
order to fulfill the requiremets of SSL encryption
in httpd.conf, the following line:
in ssl.conf:
ServerAdmin root at Localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mail/horde/imp
ServerName mail.example.com
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/mail/error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/mail/access_log combined
Then I can access to the IMP login page: https://mail.example.com
Even When I log on with a right user and bad password, it says: "session
could´t be opened, bad username/passwd" but if I
logon with right user and passwd, Internet Explorer shows a message like
this : "The page cannot be displayed" - Couldn´t
find server or DNS error.
I guess It has to be some error with my DNS BIND server (also my apache,
sendmail and mysql server), however I has already
created the mail.example.com zone with the following entries:
DNS Server entry:
Zone name -> example.com
Name server -> myRealNameServer
Mail Server entry:
Name -> myRealNameServer.example.com
Mail Server -> myRealNameServer
Address entries: mail.example.com myRealNameServer.example.com
Please, I need help urgently! thanks a lot if anybody can help me.
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