[imp] I cannot send messages in imp.

imp at dandy.nl imp at dandy.nl
Sun Oct 5 03:28:37 PDT 2003


I installed horde cvs and imp cvs today and I cannot send any messages in
explorer (6).
When I wnt to sendthe message I get this error

line 99
char 5
Error: document.compose.submitBtn7 is null or not an object
Code: 0

after this my send button is ghosted and I cannot do anything anymore.
I turned of html composition but that does not matter. The strange thing is I
made a copy of my personal webmail and this one works fine on my server (I am
writing this message in that version of imp) but a copy of it does NOT work on
the other server. So I thought maybe a clean CVS version would fix things but
it does the same (and it's a different version with more html composing

Does anyone have a quick fix for this?



Also I noticed with the CVS version of a few hours ago that in html composition
mode the html function bar is at the top of the screen (even above the
form/to/cc/bcc/subject fields) and does not work at all. This is probably
because some one is working on it but I thought maybe some one would like to
know about this.

Hans de Groot

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