[imp] What does the horde_users table do?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Oct 29 10:39:18 PST 2003

Zitat von James Whittington <jwhittington at excelorant.com>:

> What does the horde_users table do?
> Okay I bit confused here, I've been using horde for around a year now,
> currently at version 2.2.3 running on a RedHat 7.3 box using mysql as
> the database.  Basically horde and IMP pop the local server and
> everything works great, users have personal address books and
> distribution lists in turba.
> What I'm a bit confused about is the significance of the horde_users
> table.
> Every time I would add a email account I would set up a local unix
> account and password then add that same user with MD5'ed password to the
> horde_users table.  What I have stumbled across now is the fact that I
> can leave a new user out of the horde_users table and everything seems
> to work anyway.
> Did I misconfigure something, or I am just totally missing the point or
> both :<).

The horde_users table is only necessary if you want to use sql
authentication. You set up authentication through IMP/the mail server, so
you don't need this table.

> As usual please forgive my ignorance, many open source projects have
> matured to the point where people are able to implement them before they
> really know what they are doing.  I hopefully sit somewhere between
> ignorance and enlightenment..



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