[imp] Displaying messages in other character sets

Jeff Tucker jeff at jltnet.com
Wed Dec 3 19:26:28 PST 2003

--On Wednesday, December 03, 2003 10:14 AM +0100 Jan Schneider 
<jan at horde.org> wrote:

> Enable the mbstring and iconv extension in your PHP and you won't need an
> extra window at all.
> Jan.

Jan, Thanks for your reply. I looked through the archives, but didn't see 
anything about this.

I recompiled PHP 4.3.4 on my test machine with iconv and mbstring enabled. 
I've tried glibc's iconv as well as iconv 1.9.1 from GNU with the same 

Previously, my test message would show up with lots of incorrect 
characters. Now, it shows up as question marks. Opening the new window 
doesn't change anything, I still get question marks.

Before, if I changed the character encoding of the new window manually to 
the correct character set (KOI8-R in this case) the message showed up 
correctly. Now, if I do that, I still get just question marks.

Is there something else I'm missing? I'm running Imp HEAD from around a 
month ago. I haven't set anything in my config files to enable character 
set conversion or anything special, to my knowledge. I have copied the 
nls.php.dist file to nls.php in the Horde config, but not changed anything 
in there.

Thanks for your help.


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