[imp] ingo (imp) filter question

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Thu Dec 4 13:19:11 PST 2003

Quoting Jeff Tucker <jeff at jltnet.com>:

| How can I let the Ingo function figure out the user's current mailbox?
| I've
| looked all over Imp, but all of those functions basically already just
| use
| the existing stream, while Ingo opens a new stream. $imp['mailbox'] seems
| to be the mailbox but this also seems not to be a string. I never found
| the definition for $imp to see what it is.

I've implemented this in IMP.  Two problems I still have with allowing
filters on other mailboxes:

1. Strange/unwanted behavior of messages that have been delivered to a
mailbox and never been processed through a filter before.  See my comments
in the help file.
2. There was some talk about "taking away" functionality from the user. 
First, I personally don't see a problem with this since this is a brand new
release of IMP.  I agree that as much should remain constant as possible,
but that shouldn't stop us from reorganizing, removing functionality that
isn't clean and consistent.  Second, this change actually could lead to
"taking away" problems on an even greater degree.  The goal of Ingo was to
design a single frontend that allows for changing of backends that is
transparent to the end user.  Unfortunately, changing from the 'imap'
driver to any other driver removes the 'on-demand' filtering capability,
and will thus remove the filtering icon from IMP.  It is highly likely that
some installations will switch their filtering backend at some point during
deployment, at which time the filter on demand functionality will suddenly
"disappear" to the end-user.

For these reasons, the filter on any mailbox will be disabled by default.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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