[imp] ingo (imp) filter question

Jeff Tucker jeff at jltnet.com
Thu Dec 4 11:37:00 PST 2003

--On Wednesday, December 03, 2003 1:03 AM -0500 Chuck Hagenbuch 
<chuck at horde.org> wrote:

> Quoting Jeff Tucker <jeff at jltnet.com>:
>> OK, I understand. My users are complaining about this behavior since this
>> isn't the way it used to work. We've removed working functionality with
>> this.
> I have to agree - runtime filters are different from sieve, procmail, et.
> al, and though having a uniform interface to them makes sense and is
> great, it doesn't make sense to restrict functionality when we don't need
> to...
> -chuck

So, Imp goes through the registry to call the filter function which 
eventually works its way to apply() in imap.php. apply() has the INBOX 
folder hard-coded and opens a new IMAP stream to that folder to do its 

How can I let the Ingo function figure out the user's current mailbox? I've 
looked all over Imp, but all of those functions basically already just use 
the existing stream, while Ingo opens a new stream. $imp['mailbox'] seems 
to be the mailbox but this also seems not to be a string. I never found the 
definition for $imp to see what it is.

I don't mind working on this and even sending a patch back, but I'm hoping 
one of you guys who knows the software inside and out can help me a little 


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