[imp] Problems acutally getting to the inbox in CVS horde/imp

Ronny Adsetts ronny.adsetts at amazinginternet.com
Tue Dec 9 09:26:22 PST 2003


Not had time to track this down yet, but thought I'd see if anyone else 
was seeing anything similar.

I have a development version of Horde running on CVS current. Default 
Horde entry point is an email folder list. Login is done by Imp to a 
Courier IMAP backend.

When I login, one of two things happens:

1. I get the maintainence tasks
2. I get the folder listing showing new email

 From 1, if I click cancel to skip maintainence, horde goes away then 
logs me out with a session timeout.

 From 2, if I click on INBOX, horde goes away thjen logs me out with a 
session timeout.

In both cases, I'm seeing this in the horde logs:

Dec 09 17:10:01 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to 
localhost:1234[imap/notls] as ronny [on line 234 of 
Dec 09 17:10:02 HORDE [info] [imp] session [on line 48 of 
Dec 09 17:10:02 HORDE [info] [imp] Session timeout for client 
[] [on line 107 of 

If I click on 'Mail' in the right hand menu from 2, I get my INBOX OK 
and from there, I can go to the main Horde page and 2 works OK.


Ronny Adsetts
Technical Director
Amazing Internet Ltd, London
t: +44 20 8607 9535
f: +44 20 8607 9536
w: www.amazinginternet.com

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