[imp] Specific email crashing Horde (and the whole httpd server running it)

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Mon Jan 12 10:20:08 PST 2004

Quoting Carlos Fernandez Sanz <cfs-imp at nisupu.com>:

| Hi,
| I just installed a Hylafax server. One of its options is to email, as a
| attached file, every received fax.
| The thing is, if one of these emails (which contain faxes, not the rest of
| Hylafax notifications) are present in the mail inbox, I can't even login in
| IMP (well, I do login, but the next page crashes the whole process and I see
| this in the logs):
| [notice] child pid 21200 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
| This happens at work, however if I send the email to my home address, it
| works fine.
| The only difference is that at work I'm using
| Maildir for storage
| CourierIMAP

I use courier IMAP and maildir and I can see the message just fine.  Most
likely, this is a problem with your particular version of c-client built-in to
PHP (since PHP extensions such as c-client cause seg faults; Horde/IMP code by
itself doesn't cause segfaults).  It sounds like you will need to download a
different version of c-client/PHP/both and recompile.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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