[imp] Ingo blacklist deletes ALL messages

Jacob Davida jacob-news at davida.com
Wed Feb 11 10:11:15 PST 2004

Is there a way to stop my users from blacklisting the address "@"
I have some people that are blindly clicking the "blacklist sender" button
in Imp without checking for a proper email address. Ingo then happily
adds the address "@".

They are obviously deleting everything in their inboxes. Is there a way to
put in a check (maybe it's already done?) to stop that?

Also, is there a way to put a maximum limit to the number of entires
in the blacklist? That way I can stop people from putting 5000 blacklist
and thus complaining about slowness from their filters. Ugh. hehe.

I'm running CVS HEAD of Horde, Imp, Ingo

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advanced!

- Jacob Davida
  jacob-news at davida dot com

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