[imp] Pear

Pahlevanzadeh Mohsen m_pahlevanzadeh at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 12 09:10:44 PST 2004

I have downloaded Pear & i decompressed it to
& i visit http://myserver/horde/index.php
& when i login with my user & my password,But when i
enter my username & passwd,I did't receive any
messages.In fact, i can't loggin.
Please guide me....

---------DIGITAL  SIGNATURE-------------------
///Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh////////
     Network administrator  & programmer     
      My work phone is : +98216054096-7       
      My home phone is: +98213810146          
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          m_pahlevanzadeh at yahoo.com               
My website is: http://webnegar.net            

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