[imp] Protecting the password with custom login.

Richard Zuidhof rzuidhof at zonnet.nl
Wed Mar 3 02:27:58 PST 2004

Steven Premeau wrote:
> I am in the process of developing a custom horde/imp login to make a 
> single login screen for one of two student email servers. 
> It is a policy goal of the non-techincal folks to make this process 
> transparent to our users, so the server selection boxes and any 
> preferred server choosing mechanism.  I have made this work by using php 
> code to recreate the "implogin" form and use javascript to submit it to 
> the appropriate IMP server hardware.
> The concern that I have is that for that brief moment, the password is 
> put into a (hidden) form value as plain text.  (Transported via HTTPS.)
> Is there a way to somehow obfuscate that password?   Is there some why 
> to preload the session information with that password, so that I don't 
> have to give it back to any web page?

When we moved the webmail from a Java environment to IMP we had the same 
problem. I modified IMP (lib/IMP.php) so that instead of a password 
people can login with an encrypted password for a limited amount of time.

  <input type="hidden" name="imapuser" value="richard" />
  <input type="hidden" name="code" value="T1RWUBALVkI=" />
  <input type="hidden" name="auth" value="1078303602" />

Since 'auth' is the time you can just demand that the difference with 
the current time is within the margin you set.

See http://www.richard.zonnet.nl/test/crypt.php for an example of how to 
encrypt and decrypt.


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