[imp] Problems Moving and Deleting Email with Imp 3.2.2

Myke Place mp at xmission.com
Wed Mar 3 11:43:03 PST 2004

* Peter Solodov (peter at alcor.concordia.ca) [040303 11:00] spake thusly:
> On 2 Mar 2004, Michael M. Slusarz wrote:
> > This message of mine above seems to be from a long time
> > ago... anyway, this problem was confirmed along time ago to be an
> > issue with IE and certain service packs and page compression.  You
> > must turn page compression off sitewide if using old versions of
> > Horde/IMP (CVS versions will automatically disable compression for
> > these buggy browsers).
> I have this happening with Mozilla 1.6 with compression turned off
> almost everywhere (I don't have it done in .htaccess).  Moreover I
> have a mail spool where it happens all the time, so it's more than
> easily reproducible.  I'll try .htaccess, but I don't put much hope on
> that... :-(
>         - Peter

While I understand that this problem has found to be related to 
compression, I've continued to check my system for evidence of 
compression being turned on. Here's what I've checked so far:

egrep 'compress' php.ini -- zlib.output_compression = Off

All .htaccess files: In /var/www/horde contain only the line -- Deny
from all. No php_admin_values are set in any .htaccess files.

In /horde/config/horde.php:
egrep 'compress' horde.php -- horde.php:$conf['compress_pages'] = false;

I see no settings for compression anywhere in the /horde/imp/config 

Is there anything that I might have missed? This problem continues for 
many of our users.


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