[imp] passing novalidate-cert via servers.php3

tony lay tonylay at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 5 14:22:49 PST 2004

I have installed horde and imp and I'm looking to just get it going.  
Problem I'm running into is that IMAP is saying that I have a self signed 
cert.  I know that I can specify novalidate-cert somewhere in servers.php3, 
but I'm really not sure where.  Could somebody please post their file for me 
to borrow from?  I left verbose off of the message but here's the basics on 
my setup:

FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE #2: Mon Feb 16 12:58:56 EST 2004 (c/o portupgrade -rfa 
Horde: 1.2.9-cvs
IMP: 2.2.9-cvs
PHP Version: 4.3.4 (built from php4-horde port)
IMAP4rev1 (built from courier-imap port)
Mysql server version: 4.1.1-alpha (built from mysql41-server port)
Mysql client version: 4.1.1-alpha (built from mysql41-client port)
Apache/1.3.29 (Unix) (built from apache13-modssl port)

IMAP Support: Yes
LDAP Support: Yes
MySQL Support: Yes
PostgreSQL Support: No

track_vars: Yes
PHPLIB (is page_open() defined): Yes
PHPLIB counter properly increments.
register_globals set to On: Yes
magic_quotes_gpc set to Off: Yes
magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes



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