[imp] Folders icon not working

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Mar 16 02:14:52 PST 2004

Zitat von Darren Moore <dm at hetzner.co.za>:

> Hi there,
> I setup IMP with IMAP and SMTP on RH9 and I am able to log in fine and
> view, send, receive messages and use different folders. The problem is I
> cannot manage my folders, eg. create or delete folders. When I click on
> the folders icon the IMP just hangs forever and then eventually brings
> up a blank page.I have not made any changes to folders.php but I think
> that is the script which is being called. Any help would be greatly
> appreciated

Check if you have the correct "folders" settings. The IMAP server might
search your whole home directory otherwise, depending on your server
software and setup.


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