[imp] Postfix + mysql and IMP

Felipe Neuwald felipe at neuwald.biz
Thu Mar 18 16:18:40 PST 2004

Hello Folks,

I'm using postfix 2.0.18, MySQL 3.23.58_2, courier-imap 3.0.0,1 (and
imap-ssl), and postfixadmin 2.0.4 as frontend to postfix and MySQL.

Today, I use Horde+IMP as my webmail of other servers, running without
MySQL (for postfix) - It's a very good webmail system.

I wanna use IMP as webmail of the sistem described above, but IMP have
to check the accounts via IMAP, or via SQL consulting the values
username and password of the table mailbox of the database postfix. I'm
having troubles to make this solution works.

Resuming: Does anybody have one solution like the above (postfix + MySQL
+ courier-imap + postfixadmin + IMP) and can give me some help?


Felipe Neuwald
felipe at neuwald.biz

"Mi espada desconocer=C3=A1 su funda,
mientras dure el oprobio y la injusticia
que sojuzga a mi pueblo"
Sim=C3=B3n Bol=C3=ADvar

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