[imp] showing sender not recipient in sent-mail folder

Peter K. Botcherby Peter.Botcherby at genetics.kcl.ac.uk
Tue Mar 23 05:35:42 PST 2004

dadirtyluk wrote:

> hello!
> i'm using head and i just saw that imp was showing the sender (which is
> always the same...) and not the recipient in the folder listing!
> very strange, since it's not that way for all users 8( 
I reported *exactly* the same problem with various head versions 
recently and have not been able to find out why or fix.

> haven't found any differences for these users or settings to avoid 
> this, so i'm asking the list for help...

If you go back to the stable version looking at the same folders it 
works correctly but I really want to stay with the latest versions.

> server is imapd on suse linux 7.2 :P

I am running courier IMAP on Solaris 9 and also found the same problem 
in Fedora Core 1.
> server => localhost
> protovol => imap/notls
> port => 143
> folders => mail
> maildomain => foo.com
> any ideas??? tia luk

No but I am pleased I am not alone on this.


   Peter K. Botcherby
   Division of Genetics & Development
   King's College, London

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