[imp] Session timeouts

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Wed Mar 24 19:07:14 PST 2004

Quoting Bojan Zdrnja <Bojan.Zdrnja at LSS.hr>:

> Can someone please clear some things for me regarding session timeouts, and
> maybe write a short info about how it works.

There are some pretty good discussions in the archives from last year.
And should be (maybe not?) on the php.net web page.

> Global variable for changing this is supposed to be in
> horde/config/conf.php:
> $conf['session']['timeout'] = 3600;

Yes, but other things will have an effect on it also.

> Now, according to posts I've read before, one should pay attention to PHP
> variables as well, especially:
> session.gc_maxlifetime = 3600
> session.gc_probability = 1
> session.cookie_lifetime = 0

Yes, at least those.

> - Users are automatically logged out after 3600 seconds, no matter if they
> are working or not.

Only if your server is fairly busy, since your gc_probability is so low.

> - They don't get a popup window if they are in compose window.

That depends on your version of Horde/IMP to some extent.

> Can someone please clear things/recommend settings for this?

Settings depend on your security policy, Horde/IMP versions, etc.

> Thanks in advance,
> Bojan

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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