[imp] IMP 4.0-ALPHA

Paul Reilly pareilly at tcd.ie
Sat Apr 3 07:46:56 PST 2004

Thats excellent news!
Well done and thankyou to all the hord/imp team!

One thing I would really like to see in IMP 4.0 is directory
specific icon locations, which would then facilitate easy theme-ing.
I hacked the code for IMP 3 to do this myself, but not all icons are
relative to the same path so it involved editing quite a few files.
What I'm thinking of is a horde/imp config parameter like
'themedir'='chrome' which then allows icon specific themes to be
subdirs of /graphics, like /graphics/default/*.png  or
/graphics/chrome/*.png   (very simple implementation)

I was going to submit a patch to do this myself, but I just couln't
figure out the whole thing. There seems to be a get_path type API
already, and so it could perhaps be part of that.

If it's easy to do, it would greatly improve the adoption of IMP,
as everyone wants to customize their IMP, notjust css,colours, but icons


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