Theme graphics Was: [imp] IMP 4.0-ALPHA

Jan Schneider jan at
Sat Apr 3 07:56:42 PST 2004

Zitat von Paul Reilly <pareilly at>:

> Thats excellent news!
> Well done and thankyou to all the hord/imp team!

Thanks you. :-)

> One thing I would really like to see in IMP 4.0 is directory
> specific icon locations, which would then facilitate easy theme-ing.
> I hacked the code for IMP 3 to do this myself, but not all icons are
> relative to the same path so it involved editing quite a few files.
> What I'm thinking of is a horde/imp config parameter like
> 'themedir'='chrome' which then allows icon specific themes to be
> subdirs of /graphics, like /graphics/default/*.png  or
> /graphics/chrome/*.png   (very simple implementation)

We actually started this by moving theme specific graphics to the
graphics/themes/<theme name>/ folders.

Of course this could be taken a step further by allowing all graphics to be
in a theme directory. The drawback is that all graphics need to be copied
to such a directory, even if they are not specific to a theme.


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