Theme graphics Was: [imp] IMP 4.0-ALPHA

Paul Reilly pareilly at
Sat Apr 3 08:06:33 PST 2004

> We actually started this by moving theme specific graphics to the
> graphics/themes/<theme name>/ folders.
really?! excellent.
I must download 4.0 alpha and take a look!

> Of course this could be taken a step further by allowing all graphics to be
> in a theme directory. The drawback is that all graphics need to be copied
> to such a directory, even if they are not specific to a theme.
Could you make everything a theme, so the default graphics/icons are
in /graphics/themes/default/* ?  I don't think it's unreasonable for
a theme creator to start with the default set, and just change what they
want to. That way some icons could stay the same, but would still be part
of the new theme. To rephrase, I think, a theme should have a complete
copy of all icons/graphics even if they are the same as the default.
Otherwise it gets too confusing, with logic like "use default icon if
!exists $theme/$icon. That way you put the onus on theme creators to
reproduce all icons.

Just me 2 cents :)


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