[imp] Attachment Problem

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Mon Apr 5 08:05:00 PDT 2004

Quoting Payton Swick <payton at repligen.com>:

> I have apache 1.3 and red hat 9

That's non-standard.  RH 9 comes with Apache 2.x by default.

> but I think there should be a
> LimitRequestBody
> directive somewhere.

I think that is only in Apache 2.x, but I'm not sure.

> Have you tried doing a locate or a find for 'php.conf'
> (not 'conf.php')?

There is not one in Apache 1.x, or in most non-RH Apache 2.x systems.
This is something RH created when they switched to Apache 2.x.

> Quoting jf senech <senech_jf at hotmail.com>:
>> I don't have conf.php file in my apache directory.
>> And any files contain "LimitRequestBody"
>> My sever is on debian and apache 1.3

With Debian+Apache1.3 you should have neither.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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