[imp] Re: Folders not appears

Erik Anderson anderiv at bethel.edu
Tue May 11 08:25:03 PDT 2004

maxfaria at astromaritima.com.br wrote:
> Hi friends,
>     My name is Max Faria, i'm using IMP 3.2 in RH 9.0 with Apache 2, PHP 4.2 and
> Courrier IMAP. Well my IMAP is OK, i create ,editing and delet Folders. But in
> IMP when create a FOLDER she not appears in menu pop-down "Open Folder"....Go
> the icon "Folders" and create a new folder...well....appears is OK, no errors,
> but when back main page....nothing....the folder not appears.
>     Anybody can help me....Already going in  FAQ's and nothing...
>     Ah...when i create a new folder in IMP...she not appears in IMP but appears
> in my client email (Sylpheed)...why????The problem is IMP?????The permissions is
> OK, the users receive and sent emails no problem.

Try this:

In your servers.conf, make sure you have this:

'namespace' => 'INBOX.',

Notice the "." after INBOX.  That makes a difference.


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