[imp] Re: IDN in horde/imp

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue May 18 14:23:21 PDT 2004

Zitat von Tim Wieneke <tim.wieneke at uni-duesseldorf.de>:

> Hi,
> I saw there was a short (very short) IDN thread on the horde list in 
> April 2004,
> but I did not find anything for a remedy how to handle IDN domains with
> horde/imp.
> This server here (spen.de) hosts some more domains and there also one IDN
> (büssing.net = xn--bssing-3ya.net). try to write him an email with horde...
> The webmaster at büssing.net is rejected by imp checkers scripts. The
> webmaster at xn--bssing-3ya.net is accepted and send out - but who wants to use
> xn--bssing-3ya.net if you have german keyboard ? The same applies if I switch
> to virtual domains soon: try to logon with webmaster at büssing.net in horde...
> Scandinavia, Germany, Austria have started their IDN domains, even 
> com/net/org
> and biz/info domains with öäü are available.
> Maybe time to rewrite the checker scripts in horde/imp ?
> currently I have debian on my vserver and an unofficial deb package with
> horde2.x/imp3.x and because of debians packaging system I try not to hack the
> horde/imp functions... maybe there is way to implement the mentioned 
> changes in
> future revisions...

Definitely. Actually as soon as I18N_Punycode (http://pear.speedpartner.de/)
is in PEAR.


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