[imp] Sean D & Jason Lohrenz - revisiting imp on plesk?
Tobias Eigen
tobias at kabissa.org
Wed Jul 14 13:54:26 PDT 2004
Hi Jan -
Thanks for the tip. I'm leaning in this direction.
With a vanilla install, if my users login as username at foo.org (instead of just
username) does IMP then use that to form the correct reply-to address by
default & access unique prefs/addressbook/etc?
Tobias Eigen
Executive Director
Kabissa - Space for change in Africa
* Kabissa, meaning complete in Kiswahili, was founded on the belief that
information and communications technologies (ICTs) can be a revolutionary
force in civil society. *
Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
> Zitat von Tobias Eigen <tobias at kabissa.org>:
> > If I can install it in a separate location , that might work for me
> > also, i.e.
> > https://www.kabissa.org/webmail (I have a cert for that domain too). But
> it
> > still has to work properly - unique preferences, addressbook etc for every
> > user. The default e-mail address domain unfortunately is taken from the
> web
> > address, and not the login e-mail address (with plesk 5 this was just a
> > username anyway - now with plesk 7 both username and unsername at foo.org
> work).
> This sounds like a vanilla IMP install, you should stick with a Horde/IMP
> tarball instead of using Plesk's pre-installed ones.
> Jan.
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